The Tools: Functional Massage and movement, Breath therapy, and /or : exercise, primitive movement patterns, functional movement, sensory integration techniques, breath work, yoga, asana, meditation, visualization, education of psychoneuroimmunological dynamics, education of the CNS and how to skillfully adapt and consciously switch from Parasympathetic to Sympathetic and vice versa dependent on the intention , massage therapy, self massage techniques, pilates practices, BioRhythm Alignment with Nature
The Benefits:
injury recovery, faster performance recovery, increased mobility, increased strength, increased mind body connections, increased body awareness, decreased chronic pain, increased empowerment within recovery, increased self skills to help own body recover from injury, surgery, or chronic pain state, increased awareness to choose energetic/ E States and how to manage them, increased longevity, strengthen immune , cardiovascular and endocrine systems, increased ability to adapt to changes , energy conservation, improved performance, stress reduction and self management, empowerment, decreased inflammation and much more.
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Rebekah "Phoenix" Montgomery, LPTA, LMT, RYT Phoenix is a Performance Orthopedic Manual Therapy Specialist utilizing and pulling from her dually licensed fields of massage therapy and physical therapy, certified Hatha Yoga teacher with Iyengar influences, Breath Coaching Mentorship for Resiliency, ANS regulation, Performance and Self Regulation. 20 plus years of clinical, research, educator experience.
Performance. Resiliency. Integrity. Protocol and science based driven.
Offering hands on In Aspen/Snowmass area. Basalt and the entirety of the RF Valley.
Virtual life coaching with emphasis on mental health, functional nutrition, post injury/life transition, divorce, exercise, finding your True North, spirituality.
20 years of licensed healthcare and massage experience with Olympians, professional athletes, weekend warriors, teens, and more... Specializing in Autonomic Dysregulation, Orthopedics, Structural Integrity, Resiliency, Sports Medicine, Neurology.
As an integrative practitioner, I hope to bring about healing through the demonstration of my skills and by facilitating the healing power within the client. This can only be masterfully accomplished by skilled therapy and by educating the client regarding the power one has over their own pain. My mission is to facilitate healing with hands-on therapies and NOW Virtual Life Coaching that can provide pain relief and muscular changes, shifting mental mindset, providing mindufulness tools and facilitate deeper self inquiry while helping educate necessary postural and lifestyle changes that may be interfering with the benefits of massage ,personal training, performance and a whole being wellness. I hope to create an environment that is holistic in its nature, encompassing intelligence with compassion and warmth with practicality. IN house, 1:1 hands on - I offer a tailored session that may include various types of bodywork and postural education that will enhance the bodywork. I also offer Corrective Postural Training and Yoga sessions by appointment. I specialize in Personal Training and Yoga that involves the core and stabilization exercises through utilization of our natural environment. No free weights or machines. I specialize in bringing about kinesthetic awareness through Yoga techniques, such as breath with movement and mindfulness. I believe in restoring primitive movements of development through biofeedback training in developmental positions and yoga positions, utilizing verbal and visual cuing as well as various massage modalities, which can be termed Somatic Integration in some schools of thought.
Phoenix Rebekah began developing Functional Massage and Movement Method in 2009 as her Integrative Functional Massage Protocols were becoming a huge hit with her athletes, dancers, musicians and yogis. IFM evolved further when, Phoenix Rebekah graduated with a Hatha Yoga Certification in 2012 and then again evolved in 2016 after Phoenix Rebekah sustained a life changing spinal injury that demanded she do tons of rehab, self care and re examining her life goals and ambitions. This type of work is specific for individuals who want to become physically stronger both in power, precision and endurance. My approach is a total body workout, through the integration of cognitive/mind and body approach. Isolated co-synergistic movements require attention; attention requires perseverance and discipline. These philosophies work well with martial artists, dancers, yogis, performers, athletes, corporate speakers, mothers, fathers, actors, musicians and anyone interested in evolving and learning more about themselves and embracing the empowerment that parallels this quest.
To summarize in one phrase; to encompass it all; I have defined what I do as Integrative Functional Massage™ . Integrative Functional Massage™ / is the combination of Orthopedic Massage, Restorative/Corrective Postural Training, and Functional Yoga - Yes all in ONE session. We can break it down to just one of those disciplines but as an Integrative Practitioner, I encourage the Complete Package, for the Complete Experience! IFM is both a Mind-Body Movement Protocol as well as a belief system. It represents in philosophy, my belief in the power of the Integration of both paradigms of medicine: Holistic and Allopathic. I believe in seeing myself and all of my community as Whole Beings, not just an arm or leg, or an athlete or a client. I believe in the Real Power in achieving this Integration, this perspective which leads to a more Balanced Body and Mind. It is about the duality, the science and the art.
Integrative Functional Massage™ is me as well as is you. It is the way to reaching our true potentials in self and in our communities - locally and globally. It is the intention I set for myself daily. It is my wish for all of you to experience and live.
Integrative Functional Massage™/ , can be broken down extremely mechanistically and be utilized to assess gait, posture and movement as it relates to your Orthopedic, sports, or pain management goals. Also, We can utilize the Method to work with Life Coaching goals such as navigating through life transitions , huge changes that are shifting our perspectives and empower one to be resilient and adapt to the change with gratitude, grace and grit. Whether my Method is working with Women Empowerment Coaching or Athletic Injury Recovery, I remind you to Think INTENSITY, DURATION, FREQUENCY. Or rather, Fiercely Facing Fears with intelligence and skill.
Regardless of who you are or what your goals are: Intelligently, skillfully and compassionately integrating the Method into all your needs, with Empower you, restore you, bring out your natural resiliency, and rejuvenate both mind and body.
I am excited to educate on how IFM can help those with PTSD and performance anxieties through stress reduction and stress management. It is my belief that the interdisciplinary approach to treatment of PTSD utilizing EMDR and Integrative Functional Movement will help to facilitate Whole Being healing and reprocessing through a true mind-body connection. I would like to recommend CERTIFIED EMDR providers who specialize in treating PTSD with the highly beneficial EMDR modality.
If you have PTSD and are looking for practitioners, I recommend Mira Tessman in Baltimore Maryland : and to look for Certified EMDR therapist: